#1352 C'mon C'mon

This is the place for discussions about recent (and ancient) sneak movies.
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Moderatoren: Kasi Mir, emma, Niels

Kasi Mir
mySneak.de Team
Beiträge: 1520
Registriert: 2002-10-06 15:10
Wohnort: Hamburg

#1352 C'mon C'mon

Beitrag von Kasi Mir »

"C'mon C'mon" ist the fourth feature-length film by writer/director Mike Mills; the previous endavours of the Californian included Sneak movies #0612 "Thumbsucker" and #1162 "20th Century Women", but also music videos for Air, Moby and Martin Gore. This film follows uncle/nephew pair Johnny and Jesse (played by Joaquin Phoenix and British newcomer Woody Norman, respectively) on an interview trip through urban America. The film is presented in a crisp black-and-white look, as can be seen in the trailer:

How did you like "C'mon C'mon", which featured less of a main story than a bunch of city-based episodes (with interviews of real young Americans)? How did you enjoy the performances by Phoenix and Norman, and of course by Gaby Hoffman as Jesse's mother Viv? How about the cinematography? Just tell us what you thought about "C'mon C'mon" in a reply to this post. Oh, and "Be funny, when you can." 8)

Kasi Mir
"Sometimes, you can still catch me dancing in it."
"My mind has an endless capacity for useless information."
Master of Ceremonies
Beiträge: 2343
Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: #1352 C'mon C'mon

Beitrag von Roughale »

Ganz schwere Kost, den Sinn suche ich immer noch...

Aber allein auf das Zusammenspiel von Joaquin und dem Kleinen reduziert, war das ein wundersachöner Abend, das war so real und emotional - klasse. Aber da war ja noch mehr, dass komplett eigenartig rüberkam - OK und die schönen Stadtprofile. Aber alles zu weit voneinander getrennt, dass ich keine allgemeine Bewertung daraus ziehen kann, also heute mal o.B.
Peace, Roughale (aka Roughoul or AROHYOUGEEAGEAYELEE)