Was für ein K(r)ampf...

Participate in discussions about our favorite sneak elements such as the moderation, the movie-guessing game, the auctions, the mayhem!
Hier kann über das ganze Drumherum der Sneak (also die Moderation, das Tipspiel, Versteigerungen, und das übliche Chaos) diskutiert werden.

Moderatoren: Kasi Mir, emma, Niels


Was für ein K(r)ampf...

Beitrag von Christoph »

Whoa, guys, this is intense! I been away for quite some time from this wonderful page, and, upon returning, seem to have to find out that it has degraded into a war zone. Like a good friend would say: "This is NOT cricket!"

My 2 pennies worth: This entire discussion Ruhe/Lärm is a moot point, it only flames both sides to write even meaner posts. With the words of Jack Nicholson from "Mars Attacks" on my lips: "Can"t we all just... get along?"

Honestly, there"ll always be people that will feel disturbed by too much ruckus, even I, belonging to the much-quoted 8th row, dead center, feel sometimes that there"s a little too much going on, because I must agree with Kasi Mir that I would very much like to follow the picture"s topic even if it is a 4-out-of-10 movie or less (which in my opinion does not happen very often). And I will admit that in my 6 years of sneaking I have shouted "Okay, das reicht jetzt" or somehting similar around 2 times (in these entire six years, mind you) when it got too much for me.

Still, ruckus is the marrow of the sneak, it is betrothed to the sneak experience like a nerd is betrothed to his computer(s), whereas "square"dom only belongs into the sneak only as much as peanut belongs into butter (only my opinion). Final say is, the sneak IS an experience unlike any normal movie experience, and the new folks will have to accept that. This however does not mean that people can come in and make as much noise as possible. It is not polite to do so.

I expect tolerance and courtesy, as much in the sneak as I expect it from any being on this planet at any given moment. Maybe this is not possible, maybe I expect the impossible and maybe I am living in a dreamworld (Neo), but if only one reader will understand what I mean by this, I will have succeeded! :-)

Thanky ou for listening, and ENJOY the sneak!
Master of Ceremonies
Beiträge: 2343
Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: Was für ein K(r)ampf...

Beitrag von Roughale »

You hit the nail on the head, especially with the analysis of the forum here and the flame war that was taking place, but you overlooked the fact that this is an open internet forum and some people just like to flame for different reasons, I became a victim myself and kinda flamed back, I cannot say it was w/o a lil fun ;-) No matter what you post there will always be someone of different opinion and things become out of control, it"s ok as long as only the keyboard takes punches, hehehe...

I do not like the seperatism that is forming between newcomers and oldtimers, so try all to respect the others and the peaks of nonsensical (did I make up another new word here?) shouts will descent into oblivion...

"you may say I"m a dreamer, but I"m not the only one..." (John Lennon)