#1320 The Mortuary Collection

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Moderatoren: Kasi Mir, emma, Niels

Kasi Mir
mySneak.de Team
Beiträge: 1520
Registriert: 2002-10-06 15:10
Wohnort: Hamburg

#1320 The Mortuary Collection

Beitrag von Kasi Mir »

"The Mortuary Collection" is writer/director Ryan Spindell's feature-film debut - then again, as it is an anthology (something very dear to his heart, as he even made a shortform documentary about horror anthololgies), one could argue that he just made another bunch of horror shorts, like he did since 2007. He even incorporated one of his earlier short films, "The Babysitter Murder", into this movie, apparently using the same actors as in the fourth "Mortuary" story (though I can't say for sure that the 2015 short film followed all the same beats as the episode from this anthology).

Anyway, here's the trailer for "The Mortuary":

So how did you enjoy the stories, which varied in length from a mere six to about 25 minutes? How about horror and thriller veteran Clancy Brown as the titular Mortuary, and Caitlin Custer as his would-be assistant Sam? Which one of the short stories was your favorite, if you had any? Tell us your thoughts about the final film of the (rather short) "Year 26" collection of sneak movies in a reply to this post.
"Sometimes, you can still catch me dancing in it."
"My mind has an endless capacity for useless information."
Master of Ceremonies
Beiträge: 2344
Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: #1320 The Mortuary Collection

Beitrag von Roughale »

Als jahrelanger Fantasy Filmfest Fan (FFFF?) bin ich ja einiges gewohnt, was den Bodensatz des Gruselgenres angeht, besonders, weil ich zu spät bei den Kurzfilmen (Get Shorty) den Absprung gemacht habe, nachdem die Auswahl immer schlechter wurde... Doch so einen Rotz wie Mortuary Collection gab es selten, da stimmte nichts, es war langweilig, nicht spannend, noicht gruslig, Schauspiel fand auch nicht statt und sogar die Statistentätigkeiten waren minderwertig - von all dem war ich so an den Sitz gebannt, dass ich nicht gehen konnte, es müsste doch besser werden - wurde es nicht - setzen, 6!
Peace, Roughale (aka Roughoul or AROHYOUGEEAGEAYELEE)